Thanks for your efforts. I was opening the zip file on my MacBook Pro with Archive Utility. The Dropbox files seems to be ok, but I haven't listened to every one of them yet.
Again, I appreciate your taking the time to make the files available.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
Thanks for your efforts. I was opening the zip file on my MacBook Pro with Archive Utility. The Dropbox files seems to be ok, but I haven't listened to every one of them yet.
Again, I appreciate your taking the time to make the files available.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
Thanks, GodZoo, for uploading that file. I downloaded it as a zip several times, but every time I tried to unzip it, it failed and said a certain directory does not exist. Am I doing something wrong, or could the upload be corrupted?
Thanks for looking into this when you have time. I'm looking forward to putting this high quality narration on my iPhone.
someone sent me this from jwtalk.
a guy on there just posted this regarding changes to the way the jws volunteer at conventions in spain and the changes seem fairly major:.
we had a special meeting today called a training session for volunteers.
There may be several reasons, but I can think of at least two. One, the liability involved when a volunteer is injured or injures someone else while "on duty." Two, it may a way to gouge even more contributions from the "brothers."
I can just hear them whining about how high the expenses are now, and that they should be grateful that the Governing Body has lovingly relieved them of all this hard work that would have prevented them from enjoying every morsel of fresh steaming Spiritual Food©, and that they know the brothers will respond with an open hand to cover these expenses. Blah, blah, blah...
One things for certain: the changes will benefit the Society in some way, either through more contributions extracted from the masses or through reduced liability and insurance costs, maybe both. I doubt the effect on individual members was even a factor.
a witness friend wanted to meet up recently and talk.
since this person was a close friend and who i thought had a level head, i'd go ahead and speak with him.
our conversation actually helped me figure a few things out not only for myself but also about the witnesses.. so we're talking and i'm telling him my experience and the doctrines that i disagreed with as well as the scandals that made me disgusted with the organization.
worst day in the last ten years, was the day i hit 0.00 with one and a half years of university to go.
nobody to turn to, nobody to ask for help.
i was 32 and as an ex jw had two family members in contact with me.
a dub i know was recently reinstated.
she was dfd for leaving her hubby for another man.
she married the other man and then began the process of being reinstated.
In some cases, the people involved as just as vulnerable to the pie-in-the-sky promises of the Truth™ as anyone else. Some may be seeking to assuage their "guilt" over past "sins."
I left the organization back in 2000, though I have never been officially DA'd or DF'd. But I digress. Back in the 90's, there was a new Circuit Overseer appointed and everyone was abuzz about him and his wife. Turned out she did not like being asked about how she "came into the Truth™." When cornered, she would admit that she was picked up in a bar by a JW who was "on his way out." Though I doubt he was actually "witnessing" to her at the time, she was intrigued by some of things he told her about the JW's. She stopped seeing him and eventually "studied" with the JW's, and the rest is history.
Genuinely good people can sometimes do things that they are later ashamed of, perhaps deeply regret. That can make them susceptible to tales of a Sky Daddy who will forgive their "sins" and bestow blessings galore upon them. Maybe it's a way of distancing themselves from their past.
simple and easy way to prove jehovah's witnesses are a dishonest organizationmost jehovah's witnesses do not realize that their elders secret manual instructs the elders to deny people their rights to record their own conversations and interactions with the elders.
this includes judicial meetings and so-called shepherding calls.elders have even been warned at their elder training classes that if they allow themselves to be recorded the watchtower society will not defend him in court if they are sued.elders fear being recorded because they do not want to be held accountable and responsible for their words and actions.
no elder has ever given me a cogent reason for refusing people their rights to record interactions with elders.what this creates is a unfair power balance between the elders and anyone they are talking to or judicially dealing with.
I think the main reason the Society doesn't want certain meetings and especially judicial committee meetings recorded is deniability. In case some elder says or reveals something the Society wishes they hadn't, they can always say someone misunderstood or took it out of context. A recording reveals exactly what was said and is not so easily dismissed as someone's personal memory or even written notes.
The Society can be very duplicitous when it needs to, and is always more concerned with protecting its own power and financial interests than anything else. They can play hardball themselves, but scream first and scream loud when their "rights" are infringed upon.
a fresno man is facing murder charges in court this week for the shooting death of a jehovahs witness who later died after refusing a blood transfusion.. according to police, quevedo and silva argued over over gang membership with quevedo returning later in the evening to shoot silva through the security door at his home.. silva reportedly told a fresno police officer jehovah, jehovah, im dying, im dying, as he was taken to a hospital where he died during surgery after refusing a blood transfusion because he was a jehovahs witness.. it is the belief of many jehovahs witnesses that it is against gods will to have a blood transfusion.. according to defense attorney antonio alvarez, quevedo should not have been charged with murder because silva refused a transfusion that could have saved his life.. prosecutor gabriel brickey disagrees and will call fresno county pathologist michael chambliss to testify that, even if silva had received the transfusion, he would have died because one bullet hit a a major vein.. quevedo has already served time in prison for felony battery and theft and was on supervised release when he was arrested for shooting silva.. if convicted of murder he would face life in prison.. original story with suspect picture can be found here: fresno shooting.
I'm certainly no lawyer, but I have long heard about the legal principle of "You take your victim as you find him."
That means that whatever happens to someone as a result of an accident you cause or action you take, you are responsible for those injuries and/or losses even if another person would not have been affected to such a degree. For example, say you carelessly rear-end a car. An elderly person might have serious injuries and even die, whereas a younger and healthier person might not have been injured at all. You have to deal with the consequences of what actually happened due to your actions, not what might or might not have happened under different circumstances.
Another legal principle I've heard about is "Intent follows the bullet." If you shoot at one person but hit another, even entirely by mistake, you are just as guilty of attempted murder or murder itself as if you had hit your intended victim.
In this case, absent being shot in the first place, the victim would not have needed a blood transfusion. And no one can say for certain a blood transfusion would have saved this particular victim. Either way, the proximate cause of death may have been exsanguination, but the manner of death was homicide.
just when you thought may's jw dot org video featuring wide-eyed cult lunatic gb lett guilting the masses into giving every last dime they have couldn't be topped, your children will now be fed a guilt-inducing cartoon in which they are guilted into giving every last cent they have to the wt cult.
the wt entitles this one, "give us your money!
even your children are to be shaken down!
This is a truly disgusting example of the WT’s latest brainwashing techniques. The overt and subliminal messages in this short cartoon are so obviously self-serving it’s painful to watch. It makes me angry to think of young people being manipulated and emotionally coerced in such a way. Dang, I hate this organization!
have you seen this?.
When it comes to ripping into the Society over its money-grubbing greed, brain-washing mind-control tactics, self-serving doctrines that are subject to change and even flip-flop whenever there's an advantage to doing so and yet are required articles of faith for the rank and file, not to mention their ridiculous interpretations of various prophecies over the years and the evermore self-aggrandizing of the Governing Body... I'm right in there! I hate the organization and its policies (but NOT the individual members) with a passion!
That said, not everything the Society does is bad, even if its underlying purpose is to reinforce the notion that the Society is a reliable source of sound advice and good information.
I saw nothing objectionable about this particular "PSA" about online safety for social media sites and the like. Everything in the little video was correct and actually, though it pains me to acknowledge it, good advice.
If only the rest of their policies and teachings were geared towards the true best interests of their followers, and not so self-serving and dictatorial... Don't hold your breath.